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To Accent or Not to Accent: Resume, Resumé or Résumé

resume clipboardIt’s a question that you might not think about until you have to write down the word “résumé” – no, “resumé.” Or is it just “resume”? Keep in mind that you don’t need to use the word “resume” in your actual résumé, although your cover letter may refer to the résumé it accompanies.

The word “resume” can be written with or without accents, and all three spellings are grammatically correct and acceptable:

  • Resume: The most common spelling, which follows English rules.
  • Resumé: Less commonly used, with an accent to indicate that the “e” is not silent.
  • Résumé: The original spelling, with two accents on the “e”s, which is considered the most correct because it matches the word’s French origins. The word comes from the French word, resumer, meaning to “to sum up”.

Again, both “resume” and “résumé” are considered correct spellings for referring to a summary of one’s work experience. The Associated Press Stylebook prefers “resume,” while the Chicago Manual of Style recommends retaining the accents in loanwords, thus favoring “résumé.” Both spellings are widely accepted, so you can choose either one. However, when using accent marks, “résumé” is considered the most accurate as it aligns with the word’s French origins.

If you do choose to use the résumé spelling with accents, be sure to use the acute accent, where the top points to the right (as in “soufflé”), and not the grave accent, where the top points to the left (as in “à la mode”).

Here’s how to make the é:

  • Using Windows on a PC: Press and hold the Alt key and type 0233 on the keypad. And yes, this is needlessly complicated!
  • On an Apple computer: Hold down the Option key, press the “e” key, then release them both and press “e” again. Make sure Caps Lock is off.
  • In Google Docs: Go to “Insert,” “Special characters,” “Latin” and double-click on “é.”
  • On a cellphone: On most phones, if you hold down the “e” key, it will display options for various accents.


We like to recommend using the accents marks to differentiate the word with its other meaning, “to begin to do or pursue (something) again after a pause or interruption.”

If you are corresponding with a recruiter or company regarding a job position, it’s best to use the same spelling of “résumé” as in the job posting. Consistency is key, so stick with one spelling. Also, note that “résumé” should not be capitalized unless it appears at the beginning of a sentence. Lastly, the plural of “résumé” is “résumés.”

We Can Help

Monzingo Legal offers a complimentary review of your résumé. For more information, please contact us at

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